Frequently asked questions

Program Name

Queensland Academic Year Level / Age

Foundation Program levels 10-7Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 
Academy Program levels 1-6

Year 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Pre-Professional Program


Age and academic year level are used as a guide when placing student in Academy levels. All students are assessed on a case-by-case basis to ensure they are placed in the appropriate Academy level.

*This document addresses the Foundation Program, Guest Academy Program, Academy Program and Pre-Professional Program. Visit the Queensland Ballet website for more information about the Jette Parker Young Artist Program.

The new purpose-built Academy training facility opened in Term 1 2020 and is located on Kelvin Grove State College's campus. These facilities currently host our Academy Program, Guest Academy Program and Foundation Program students.

Working very closely with the Company and Jette Parker Young Artists, the Pre-Professional Program is conducted at the home of Queensland Ballet in West End.

The partnership between Queensland Ballet and the Department of Education enables students who graduate from the Academy Program to be academically empowered and equipped with key attributes to best position them for their aspirations.

Our collaborative partnership with the Department of Education provides school-aged students the opportunity to pursue intensive ballet training while completing face-to-face academic studies at Kelvin Grove State College.

Graduates of the Academy Program (Level 1 / Year 12), receive a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and are eligible for an ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank). Students may also select to pursue Vocational Education and Training accredited courses (e.g. Diploma in Business).

The Academy Program has been recognised by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA). Testament to the quality curriculum and professional delivery of the Academy Program, recognition by this Queensland Government statutory body, allows students completing each level of the Academy Program (Upper School), to attain credit points which will contribute to their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE):

Academy Program Level 1 – 2 QCE points

Academy Program Level 2 – 2 QCE points

Academy Program Level 3 – 1 QCE point

Queensland Ballet Academy is committed to the safe and progressive development of young dancers’ minds and bodies. Its world-class teaching staff conduct focused and structured training programs in alignment with professional ballet training industry best practices, under the guidance of in-house medical and wellbeing experts.

As such, the following parameters are in place:

Pre-Professional and Academy Program

The Academy provides focused and structured, professional training. It is considered that maximum progress will be made if this course is followed without the diversion of alternative training methods.

It is a condition of enrolment that, Upper School (Level 3-1) students agree not to participate in any external dance activities*. However, upon individual application to the Academy Director, approval may be granted to participate in activities with aligned organisations such as partner schools, if it is deemed a safe and beneficial addition to the dancer’s training experience.

It is a condition of enrolment, that Lower School (Level 6-4) students agree not to participate in any external dance activities* in the genres/subjects delivered within the Program (e.g. ballet, contemporary). However, upon individual application to the Academy Director, approval may be granted to participate in activities with aligned organisations such as partner schools, if it is deemed a safe and beneficial addition to the dancer’s training experience.

With prior approval from the Academy Director, and with careful consideration of physical load on the young and developing dancers, Lower School students may also participate in dance activities* in genres other than those delivered in the Program (e.g. Jazz dance).

Guest Academy Program

Guest Academy Program students may continue dance activities with their external dance studios.

Foundation Program

Children already enjoying dance classes elsewhere may continue those activities alongside the Queensland Ballet Academy Foundation Program. 

*Includes classes, coaching, competitions, representative showcases, examinations, photoshoots/media opportunities or performances with any external teachers, studios, schools or organisations. 

Entry to all Academy programs is by invitation or audition. To register for an audition, visit the Auditions page on our website or enquire with us.

Each audition is an open ballet class which may be followed by a call-back. Applicants are not required to pre-prepare any material, although some applicants may be required to undertake an interview.

View all audition FAQs here.

Throughout the year, our students are provided with opportunities to perform for audiences in standalone, full-scale, corporate and cultural productions. The Academy also fosters healthy collaborations with other cultural organisations. The opportunity to perform provides our students with crucial on-stage experience, and showcases the artistry, technique and professionalism they learn through their training.

Guest Academy Program

Students progress is formatively assessed throughout their participation in the program, with feedback being given directly to the student during class. At the end of term 3, parents/carers are contacted by email, with either an offered to progress onto the following level automatically, or invited to re-audition for the program at no cost. Students completing level 4 are encouraged to audition for the Academy Program for the following year.

Foundation Program

Although there are no formal assessments in the Foundation Program, progression from one level to the next is subject to satisfactory attendance and development. At the end of term 3, parents/carers are contacted by email, with either an offered to progress onto the following level automatically, or invited to re-audition for the program at no cost.

Level 7 will be viewed in class by Academy faculty members in, in which suitability for Academy Program Level 6 will be assessed towards the end of Term 3. This class will act as an internal assessment process, the result of which will determine whether the student will automatically progress into Academy Program Level 6 the following year, or be invited to attend the general audition for the program.

Academy Program

At the end of each semester students undertake exams in their core subjects. The exam panel will consist of a minimum of 4 panellists, with an average of their marks forming the final examination mark. At the end of semester two, students must achieve the standard required to progress to the following, more advanced, Academy level. Regardless of examination results for Level 1, entry into the Pre-Professional Program is only by audition or invitation.

Pre-Professional Program

Due to the performance-based nature of the course, assessment practices in this Academy level are structured to accommodate its annual performance commitments. Although it involves some written assessments, and a final assessment towards the end of the year, the evaluation process is mostly practical and progressive.

A detailed Progression Policy is provided upon acceptance.

All Academy fees for the current year can be found on our fees webpage here.These are listed in Australian dollars, and are applicable to domestic students.

All other expenses relating to schooling, medical, excursions, uniforms, living and ancillary expenses, are the responsibility of each enrolled student.

For International Student fees, please contact

Once the student is offered a position in the Academy or Pre-Professional Program, families may apply to be considered for a financial assistance bursary.

Students may be offered part or full scholarships at the discretion of the Academy Director, at any point during the continuum of audition, enrolment and progression from year to year.

A scholarship is usually awarded based on talent and / or potential. A bursary is offered to address financial hardship.

An established Homestay Program is in place to assist Academy Program Year 10 -12 students from regional, interstate and international locations with living away from home.

Alternatively, families may source private homestay arrangements with relatives, family friends or through an independent, professional homestay organisation.

Queensland Ballet Academy Homestay costs for 2025 

Placement fee: $295

Administration Fee: $50 per term

Homestay Fees: $369 per week

Holiday Holding Fee: $58 per week

#Discover more

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Queensland Ballet Academy would not be where it is today without the generous support of donors and sponsors who share our vision.


Queensland Ballet Academy offers a range of workshops and training events for aspiring young dancers, to improve their technique, dance with their peers and learn from our esteemed faculty. Participation in these events is open to all!

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We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we work and perform. Long before we performed on this land, it played host to the dance expression of our First Peoples. We pay our respects to their Elders — past, present and emerging — and acknowledge the valuable contribution they have made and continue to make to the cultural landscape of this country.

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