Queensland Ballet promotes two dancers to First Company Artists

Queensland Ballet has recently promoted D’Arcy Brazier and Libby-Rose Niederer to First Company Artists after an outstanding year of growth, both technically and artistically.
Artistic Director Li Cunxin AO said that Brazier and Niederer have made positive contributions to Queensland Ballet and are worthy of recognition.
“Since joining Queensland Ballet, D’Arcy and Libby-Rose have shown such a passion and dedication for the artform, and this is translated into an incredible work ethic both on and off stage. Each promotion recognises their individual focus and determination in their careers as professional dancers and their contributions to the healthy culture of the company.
“The promotion of D’Arcy makes me extremely proud as I have watched him progress from the Queensland Ballet Academy into the company. He has taken on a multitude of roles, always bringing something extra to every role he performs.
“I’m very much looking forward to seeing the progression of Libby-Rose as she takes the next step in her career. She has demonstrated she is ready for the advancement and the new responsibilities dancing at that level involves.
“I look forward to seeing them both flourish in their new roles,” Li concluded.
Brazier and Niederer said they were surprised to receive the promotions.
“I was honestly shocked and couldn't believe that Li and Queensland Ballet had decided to give me the opportunity to continue progressing through the ranks… it feels quite special to have been chosen to move up and be able to represent the company on a higher level. It's truly an honour,” said Mr Brazier.
“It was a wonderful surprise to receive the promotion. It feels so good to have my hard work and dedication acknowledged. I am most looking forward to getting the opportunity to challenge myself even more and have some exciting roles to perform onstage,” said Ms Niederer.
Brazier and Niederer were very thankful to everyone who had supported their career.
“I would like to thank all my friends and family who have supported me through every up and down of my career, especially the down! Li Cunxin, for providing me with this opportunity to continue growing as an artist and dancer and represent the company in a higher role. Also, to all my teachers over the past decade of dancing at a professional level. I honestly couldn't have become the dancer I am today without their teachings and their belief in me that I'm worthy of pursuing this career,” Mr Brazier concluded.
“I have my family to thank for so much. Also, Queensland Ballet and all my teachers for helping me to become the dancer I am today and enabling me to do what I love,” Ms Niederer concluded.
Both Niederer and Brazier will be performing in our upcoming season of Manon from 28 September to 8 October 2022. To book tickets, click here.
Media Enquiries:
Meryn Cooper mcooper@queenslandballet.com.au 0404 860 185
Meg Collins mcollins@queenslandballet.com.au 0438 057 824